
Funny things in life

Funny things in life

Try everything to get everything, when eventually we'll leave everything.

Think of many things, and answer too many things, when at the end silence replace that many things.

Speak too many things, when at last, we are heard for only somethings that are true.

It's just simply funny to me.


Ujung waktu

Nafas berhembus tanpa henti. Tiap detik. 
Laku dunia terus bergulir. Tanpa putus. Tiap waktu.
Memori tercipta deras. Terus dan terus. Tanpa henti.

Demi apa, aku minta sejenak saja Sang waktu bisa berhenti. Memutar kembali dan melambungkan aku ke bagian terbaik dalam ketukan paruh hidup.
Demi apa, aku merasa dikhianati waktu. Atau malah sebaliknya? 
Siapa meninggalkan apa. Aku kah? Atau Sang waktu?

Dia yang terus berputar, tak'kan pernah berhenti. 
Dia yang terus menua, tak'kan pernah menjadi muda.
Dia yang terus berlari, sementara kita masih di sini. 
Dihimpit perih Sang waktu. 
Yang dibuang sengaja. 

Kala ujung waktu menyambut di pintu, barulah semua terasa nilainya. 


Ramadhan Article #1

What To Do at Iftār Time

The fast is to be broken when the sun disappears completely over the horizon.
This is the advent of the Maghrib prayer. The Prophet (saw) said: "Once night
comes from there and the day disappears from there, and the sun has set, the
fasting person should break his fast." (Bukhārī)

On breaking the fast one should invoke the corroborated duā' of the Prophet
(saw) which is "Dhahabal-zama'a, wabtallat al-'urooq, wa thabat al-ajr insha'
Allāh" (The thirst has gone, the veins are moistened and the reward is certain,
insha' Allāh)." (al-Hākim)

This is one of those blessed times within the blessed time of Ramaḍān when one's
supplications are certainly responded to as  Allāh (swt) informs us, "The fasting
person has two moments of joy: one when he breaks his fast and one when he
meets his Lord and rejoices over his fasting." (Muslim)


It is recommended to break the fast following the sunnāh of the Prophet (saw):

Anas (raa) said, "The Prophet (saw) used to break his fast with fresh dates before

praying; if fresh dates were not available, he would eat (dried) dates; if dried dates

were not available, he would have a few sips of water." (TirmidhĪ)


Consider how refreshing and delicious water and food taste after a day of fasting.

It is times like this that we should reflect on some of the simple blessings that  Allāh

(swt) has bestowed upon us: So which of the favours of your Lord will you both

(Jinn and Mankind) deny? [Q55:13]


Do not make your meals so elaborate that they become feasts fit for kings. Retain

a sense of balance and proportion. The prophet (saw) said, "The Son of ®dam fills

no vessel more displeasing to  Allāh than his stomach. A few morsels should be

enough for him to preserve his strength. If he must fill it, then he should allow a third for his food, a third for his drink and a third for easy breathing." (Ahmad)


Do not be gluttonous with the food as fasting is not just about abstinence during

the day but is also about worship at night. It would become difficult to pray if one

has overeaten. The result of excessive meals is that much of the blood flow to the brain is restricted and is diverted towards the intestines this results in the effective

reduction of oxygen to the brain causing drowsiness. So eat moderately and remain alert. Finally, make sure you are carrying dates or water with you whilst in transit.


Why England Lost Tonight

1.Mother earth aint sleeping.You reap what you sow. BP oilspill impact is fierce. Players bear consequences #wc Now it may sound too mean, but clean it up BP or Mother Earth will curse you forever!

2.Use same-nationality coach for your country so players,coach,officials speak the same language. And aim for the same goal #eng #wc Unless the coach can speak fluent British English or married to Britain native or obsessed with Britain.

3. Dont forget to train pinalty kick with your mom before the match.Lahm did that, and he's darn good tonight.Mom's prayer does work! #eng #wc Well, Defou spoke to his mom too. But why dont we bring all moms for the next game, Brits?

4. Have a glass of drink before the game. That kills the nerve for #eng lads. At least that seemingly worked well in prev game. This one, i am quite sure Capello didnt have the boys to relax and even to have a glass.

5. Maybe the idea of having WAGs aint bad at all. Players cant goof around. Bring focus only to score or be scolded #eng #wc As much as I hate those WAGs but maybe when they threaten their men, then the lads will work out better? We the women work wonders sometimes

I can write more reasons why #eng lost tonight but still it's the only team i put all hopes on. Let's beat in in Europe 2012!”


Mengapa Berdo'a, Sahabat?

Quoted from this morning show, Indahnya Shadaqah

Syekh Ali sedang memberikan ilmunya kepada Majelis program rutin saat TV baru aku nyalakan. Sudah berminggu-minggu tak sempat kusimak. Kantuk sangat itu susah sekali kulawan. Ah, menyesalnya kenapa kemarin-kemarin tidak memaksa mata untuk terbuka saja barang 30 menit sebelum ke kantor, supaya 'sarapan' untuk jiwa tidak terabaikan...

Kalimat-kalimatnya lalu lalang, keluar masuk telinga ke jiwa yang masih berupaya sadar seratus persen. Supaya siap menerima pencerahan. Supaya tidak terlalu mengantuk, padahal mungkin beberapa jam lalu sebelum terbangun, pedagang kaki lima sudah mulai dagang di pasar, atau penyapu jalan sudah giat dengan sapunya. Ah, kadang kita memang sedikit lemah saat semuanya serba ada.

"Mengapa do'a kita (belum) dikabulkan ?", kata Syekh Ali dalam ceramahnya.

Nah, itu dia ujarku!
Mengapa? Kenapa kalau aku sudah menghamburkan sejuta kata permohonan, kadang ada doa yang belum Allah SWT kabulkan?
Apa yang belum aku lakukan?

"Mengapa, sebenarnya kita perlu berdo'a?", tanyanya lagi.

Yaa, soalnya kan aku meminta hal-hal yang ngga bisa aku pinta dan harapkan dari manusia yang sombong itu, syekh!

Saat dia menjelaskan,, aku terdiam.
Merenungkan atau mencoba untuk benar-benar merenungkan kata-katanya. Dan memantulkan jawaban itu ke hatiku.

Syekh Ali bilang begini kira-kira:

Manusia itu, sudah tahu ada syurga,, tapi kenapa tidak pernah benar-benar melarikan dirinya untuk mengejar syurga itu

Manusia itu, sudah tahu ada neraka, tapi kenapa tidak pernah benar-benar melarikan dirinya supaya terhindar dari neraka itu

Manusia itu, sudah tahu ada kematian, tapi kenapa tidak pernah benar-benar melarikan dirinya agar siap menghadapi kematian itu

Syekh Ali melanjutkan lagi ceritanya, tentang usaha seorang pengamen di jalan raya kota Jakarta. Pernah kan, kalau misalnya kita sedang naik kendaraan probadi terus ada pengamen yang menghampiri, kadang-kadang ia begitu ngotot dan sabarnya dengan terus bernyanyi walaupun suaranya ngga bagus-bagus amat? Terus biasanya kalau pengamen itu udah sebegitu ngototnya, kadang-kadang Anda yang awalnya tidak berniat memberikan 500 perak atau selembar uang ribuan, bisa saja berganti pikiran dengan memberikan uang kepada pengamen itu? Kalau lagi baik, kadang mungkin yang keluar uang warna merah. Sepuluh ribu maksudnya, kalau seratus ribu kan kemahalan buat kebanyakan kita ;)

Syekh Ali mengilustrasikan cerita pengamen itu ke diri kita seperti ini. Kalau manusia sebegitu besar menaruh harapan kepada manusia lainnya. Kenapa kita, tidak melakukan hal yang sama kepada Yang Menciptakan umat manusia itu? Kenapa kita belum ngotot seperti pengamen itu untuk berharap kepada Yang Maha Memberi?

Kenapa meminta? Kenapa berdoa?
Lantas, kalau kita yang hidup di dunia ini tidak meminta dan menggantungkan harapan kepada Yang Memberikan harapan...lalu kita mau kemana pergi untuk berharap? Mau kemana menghadap? Mau kemana berkeluh?

Kajian pagi tadi ditutup dengan informasi waktu-waktu yang Insya Allah baik untuk berdoa (walaupun menurut saya Allah SWT Maha Mendengar doa kita kapan saja dan dimana saja :),
- saat turun hujan
- saat jeda setelah azan dan sebelum iqamat
- saat dalam perjalanan (musafir)
- saat tengah malam
- saat bersujud
- sisanya saya lupa, maaf

Untuk adab berdoa, yang saya ketangkap saat mendengarkan nasihat Syekh Ali adalah menundukkan hati dengan benar-benar berharap kepada Allah SWT dan terus berprasangka baik atas jawaban dari pinta kita kepadaNya. Bisa saja, apa yang kita minta tidak langsung diberikan namun ditunda untuk kebaikan kita.


Unbearable sometimes.

Most of days, occupied mind stucks at certain period of life.
It's funny.
No matter how much we've left something behind, there is always pull factor that triggers mind to think of something.
From the past.
While we are here,in the future.

Trapped minds in one soul.
Trapped memories in one brain.
Trapped pasts in one future.
Trapped feelings in one heart.

Unbearable sometimes.

But i want to be able to point. When trapped,which exit door should be opened. Which ones should freed. Where the rests should be kept.

Unbearable sometimes.


The Anchor

I keep begging to Allah 
That one day, on a fine weather, i'll be able to walk with you
Or in a simple ride, i'd take you in the back
I will treat you some ice cream and snacks
And we both sit and chat, about anything. About your classes or mates or anything about you.  
I will just stay quite and listen to all stories. I promise to pay attention, a full one.

I used to be (i like to think that way) your centre. And you are (until now) the anchor that keeps me in balance. 
But it's funny though.. I feel the imbalance
I guess i forget to lift the anchor. That's how exactly i feel now. 
You are too hard to be lifted. It sticks already.

So, i will just keep begging Allah to give me that one fine day. Where we could sail the ship again together. 

I miss you as always, my brother. Just in case you don't know that.

May 9'10